Professional accompaniment


group activity, confidence building…

sophrology and company toulouse

Sophrology is a valuable tool to improve the well-being and quality of life of employees in a company in Toulouse. It is a gentle and holistic method based on relaxation, attention and personal development.

Through sophrology, employees can learn to manage their stress and tension. They can also develop their communication, interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Sophrology also allows employees to develop their confidence, creativity and time management skills.

Sophrology can also help a company in Toulouse to improve employee productivity and performance. Employees can feel more comfortable and less stressed, which encourages them to be more productive and achieve their goals. Sophrology can also help improve the quality of life at work and create a healthier and more positive environment.

In conclusion, sophrology is a very valuable tool to improve the well-being and quality of life of employees in Toulouse. It can help employees manage stress, achieve their goals and improve their productivity and performance. Sophrology can also help create a healthier and more positive environment.

How does a sophrology session take place in a company?

Corporate offers

One-time animation

Duration 2 to 4 hours

Objective: To discover a theme of well-being in the company (objective defined and adapted in advance by the sponsor, open group and/or closed group)

Training Sessions

Duration 7 hours and more

Objective: Develop skills and abilities to thrive in the professional environment (closed group sessions, objective defined and adapted by the sponsor to the group of individuals attending the sessions)

Interventions régulières

Durée 1 heure par semaine sur une période définie  

Objectif : favoriser le bien-être en entreprise (groupe ouvert et/ou fermé)

Well-being in company and sophrology: interventions in Haute Garonne, Toulouse and Labège.

Each session lasts 60 minutes and is divided in 3 times :

  • A time based on dynamic relaxation exercises: in a sitting or standing position, participants learn to relax with simple and easy to integrate movements
  • A time based on breathing in a lying or sitting position: allows participants to find their inner balance
  • After the breathing exercises comes a time of mental relaxation in visualization: the participants will, thanks to the relaxation of the body, allow a relaxation of the spirit.

A business project? A problem to solve?

I invite you to contact me to discuss it

Sophrologie Toulouse - sophrologie en entreprise

Some difficulties encountered in the company can be improved thanks to sophrology:

  • Improve teamwork
  • Learn to communicate better
  • Reduce stress
  • To manage one’s emotions
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Gain confidence in one’s abilities
  • Develop one’s skills
  • Improve creativity
  • Improve performance
  • Improve concentration

Developing the enthusiasm and well-being of each individual contributes to the company’s progress together, by having a company project that encompasses the skills of each individual and thus improving productivity and the company’s image.

Sophrology in companies

Sophrology is an excellent solution for companies seeking to improve the well-being and performance of their employees. Corporate relaxation activities can be tailored to the size and needs of the company. Group workshops are a great way to get employees to explore their well-being. These workshops can include relaxation and visualization sessions. 

Employees can learn to improve their focus and manage stress, which will allow them to be more productive and successful.

One-on-one sessions can also be arranged for employees who wish to explore their personal needs and goals in greater depth.

These sessions can help employees develop skills such as time management and communication improvement techniques. Corporate relaxation therapy can also be very useful in helping employees better understand their needs and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Stress management

Possibility of intervention in companies

Conflict management

Possibility of intervention in companies

Increase productivity

Possibility of intervention in companies

Available in English and French
Sophrologie Toulouse - Sophrologie entreprise Toulouse

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Sophrologie Toulouse - Sophrologie entreprise Toulouse

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